Balik kampung
Dan Bila Esok - Sofaz

Chicken Pox
Thank u
Aku bukan kuli batak !
Biarku menjadi lilin

Hacccum !!
Jalan-Jalan Cari Baju
Cat and rat
Temasya Sukan Prasekolah Peringkat Zon

Good Night
Kenapa aku?

Bubur ayam KFC
Birthday Faqih

Hari ini.
Selepas tu aku berjalan ke carrefour. saje je la nk jalan2 sementara menunggu Ayahanda Bikers. Masa tgh menunggu tu belakang bdn aku sakit btl. terasa lmbt sgt ayahanda bikers sampai. bila ayahanda dh sampai aku pergi sekolah semula sebab nak ambil hamper utk sukan prasekolah. Memang penat giler la tak pasal2 kena ulang-alik. Hilang sekejap mood aku petang td. Rasa nak marah je. Mungkin sebab penat sgt kot ditambah dgn sakit belakang lg la btambah panas. huhuhu. Sekarang baru rasa ok skit sebab dah tido sekejap td.
Five Little Ducks
One potato, two potato
Gadis semasa - Yuna
Oh begini rasanya cinta
Berani aku lagukan kuasanya
Dan aku begitu naif untuk dirimu
Kerna usia
Oh sekarang bukannya masa
Untuk kau ungkit lagi salah siapa
Dan engkau terlalu ego untuk diriku
Kau memang begitu
Bukalah mata oh
Yang selama ini kau pejamkan
Dan lihatlah diriku
Buanglah buanglah
Buang curiga yang telah lama kau simpan
Yang mungkin memudaratkan mu
Aku memang begitu
Tetap seperti dahulu
Terlalu jujur untuk duniamu
Kau mahukan gadis biasa
Yang bisa memberikan kau segalanya
Dan aku begitu muda untuk dirimu
Kau memang begitu
Kau mahu perubahan dunia
Tetapi pada aku kau sama saja
Dan engkau begitu ego untuk diriku
Kau memang begitu
Ulang (*)
Ulang (**)
Ulang (*)
Aku memang begitu
Tetap seperti dahulu
Terlalu menyayangi dirimu
Oh aku memang begitu
Tetap seperti dahulu
Terlalu jujur untuk diri
Terlalu jujur untuk diri
Terlalu jujur untuk dirimu
A Hunting We Will Go
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a hunting we will go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
We'll catch a fox and put him in a box
And then we'll let him go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a hunting we will go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
We'll catch a fish and put him on a dish
And then we'll let him go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a hunting we will go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
We'll catch a bear and cut his hair
And then we'll let him go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
Heigh ho, the dairy-o, a hunting we will go
A hunting we will go, a hunting we will go
We'll catch a giraffe and make him laugh
And then we'll let him go
Jack And Jill
To fetch a pail of water;
Jack fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill came tumbling after.
Up Jack got and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper;
Went to bed to mend his head,
With vinegar and brown paper.
Ladybird, Ladybird
Your house is on fire and your children all gone;
All except one, and that's little Ann.
And she has crept under the warming pan.
Ladybird, Ladybird, fly away home.
Your house is on fire and your children all gone;
All except one, and that's little Ann.
And she has crept under the warming pan.
And she has crept under the warming pan.
London Bridge
Falling down, falling down,
London bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.
Build it up with wood and clay,
Wood and clay, wood and clay,
Build it up with wood and clay,
My fair lady.
Little Red Riding Hood
Granny, what big eyes you've got,
Eyes you've got, eyes you've got,
Granny, what big eyes you've got,
They're so funny.
All the better to see you with,
To see you with, to see you with,
All the better to see you with,
My sweet honey.
Granny, what big ears you've got,
Ears you've got, ears you've got,
Granny, what big ears you've got,
They're so funny.
All the better to hear you with,
Hear you with, hear you with,
All the better to hear you with,
My sweet honey.
Granny, what big teeth you've got,
Teeth you've got, teeth you've got,
Granny, what big teeth you've got,
They're so funny.
All the better to eat you with,
Eat you with, eat you with,
All the better to eat you with,
My sweet honey.
Do You Know The Muffin Man?
The Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man?
Do you know the Muffin Man
That lives in Drury Lane?
Oh yes l know the Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man.
Yes l know the Muffin Man
That lives in Drury Lane.
Oh now we know the Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man.
Now we know the Muffin Man
That lives in Drury Lane.
Oh do you know the Muffin Man?
The Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man?
Do you know the Muffin Man
That lives in Drury Lane?
Oh yes l know the Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man.
Yes l know the Muffin Man
That lives in Drury Lane.
Oh now we know the Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man,
The Muffin Man
Now we know the Muffin Man
That lives in Drury Lane.
Oh, Where, Oh, Where has my Little Dog Gone?
Oh, where, oh, where can he be?
With his ears so short and his tail so long,
Oh, where, oh, where can he be?
Oh. where, oh, where has my little dog gone?
Oh, where, oh, where can he be?
With his ears so short and his tail so long,
Oh, where, oh, where can he be?
Cock a Doodle Doo.
My dame has lost her shoe,
My master's lost his fiddling stick,
And knows not what to do.
Fruits and Vegies
Love to eat
Love to eat
Love to eat
Fruits and Vegies
We love to eat
Chugga, chugga, choo, choo!
Chicken is Good for you
A goat gives us mutton
A hen lays many eggs
A prawn, a fish, a duck on a plate
Rice Porridge Hot
Rice porridge cold
Rice porridge in the pot nine days old
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold
Some like it in the pot nine days old.
Pat-a-Cake, Pat-a-Cake.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Pat it and prick it and mark it with 'B',
And put it in the oven for Baby and me.
Kursus Bahasa Inggeris

I Hear Thunder
I hear thunder,
Oh! don’t you?
Oh! don’t you?
Pitter, patter raindrops,
Pitter, patter raindrops,
I’m wet through,
I’m wet through.
*TUNE : Are you sleeping.
Five Little Soldiers
Standing in a row.
Three stood straight,
And two stood so.
Along came the captain,
And what do you think?
They all stood straight,
As quick as a wink.
Doctor Fell
The reason why I cannot tell;
But this I know and know fully well,
That I do not like you Doctor Fell.
Mend my shoes.
Get it done, By half past two.
Stitch it up, And stitch it down,
Then I’ll give you,
Half a crown.
Two little blue birds
One named Peter,
One named Paul.
Fly away Peter,
Fly away Paul.
Come back Peter,
Come back Paul.